Because "password123" was probably not safe enough, use this section to set a new, strong password for your account.
We strongly encourage to use long passwords with 2 factor authentication to secure your account.
If you want to be sure that all, and I mean ALL sessions with your user / password combination will be invalidated, you can do so here by clicking the button "Logout all sessions".
Personal access token (PAT)
If you would like to use via API, you must set up a Personal Access Token. Your Personal Access Token must remain secret at all times.
By clicking the button "Create new PAT", you can determine a name to later safely identify the right token for a certain purpose, set an expiry-date and choose what applications and actions can be authorized with the token. will automatically fill in missing rights, when a superior ranking value has been set.
You can set an expiration date for a PAT. When it is reached, the PAT will inactivate.
View, edit or delete your PAT
If you want to view your PATs details, you can do so by clicking on the little arrow to the right of the PATs list entry.
To modify the privileges, click on the pencil-icon next to the PATs name. Click "Update" to apply the changed settings.
To delete the PAT, click on the trash bin-icon next to the PATs name.
Regenerate the PAT
Regenerating a Personal Access Token will de-activate the current token and generate a new one, which will be revealed to the user.
You can use this option if you think your PAT has been exposed to a third party by mistake or accident.
Last updated