List, create, rename and delete spaces

View a list of all spaces

To see a list of all the spaces you are involved in, go to High5 > Spaces.

You will see the name of the space, its creator and the date of its creation.

Create a space

  • In High5, go to the left side menu column and select "Spaces"

  • Click "Create space" to start the wizard and choose to create a new space

  • Assign a name and click okay

Your new space is ready now.

Rename a space

To rename a space, go to the menu on the left side. Select High5 > Spaces and hover with your cursor over the space you want to rename. Click on the pencil-icon next to the name of the space.

Delete a space

To delete a space, go to the menu on the left side. Select High5 > Spaces and hover with your cursor over the space you want to delete. Click on the X-icon next to the name of the space. You need to confirm that you want to delete the space, as it will be deleted inevitably.

Last updated