

helmut.cloud agent:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the agent threw a "reader closed SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input" at startup.

  • Fixed the signing process for the macOS installer.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the agent from starting on Windows.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the agent from correctly loading the SSL certificate at runtime.

  • Fixed a semantic error in the agent's OpenAPI specification.

  • Fixed an issue where the agent failed to load certain modules.

  • Fixed an issue where the agent wouldn't start if it couldn't find the bundle.

  • Fixed some instabilities during the update process to a new bundle.

  • Fixed an issue where the agent was reporting non-IPv4 addresses to the backend.

  • Fixed an issue where the agent threw "Unable to determine version: 'Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory."

  • Fixed multiple issues that prevented the agent from starting on macOS.

  • Fixed an issue where the Windows agent would open a terminal window at startup.

  • Fixed the issue with disabling the agent connection.

  • Resolved an issue where accessing http://localhost:6968/api/agent/v1/version returned "unknown" in a Docker container.


  • Updated the agent's ping interval to the backend to 10 seconds.

  • Improve the reliability of the agent's ContextManager.

  • Exposed the agent's OpenAPI.

  • Extended the status bar menu.

  • Implemented automatic reconnection logic in case of connection drops.


  • Renamed the agent binary from "hcloud agent" to "helmut cloud agent."

  • Updated the application name from "HCloud" to "helmut cloud agent."

  • Updated icons for the hcloud agent.

helmut.cloud backend:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue preventing the agent from registering with the mothership in certain cases.

  • Fixed a problem where license updates were not working correctly for private organizations.

  • Addressed a database error that occurred when attempting to create a webhook without specifying a target.


  • Updated the OpenAPI documentation.

  • Set wave engine dev images to be skipped by default when creating a space.

  • Integrated HMAC encryption into Fuse.

  • Prevented users from disabling their account as an execution target in private organizations.

helmut.cloud frontend:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the icon used for "Win32" OS on the agent dashboard.

New Features and enhancements:

  • Added support for signing up and logging in using Microsoft, Google, GitHub, and Discord.

  • Added a description field in the new secret dialog.

  • Updated user's avatar menu for better usability.

  • Updated the organization selector.

  • Enabled auto-focus on the password field on the login page.

  • Displayed TOTP during personal access token creation/update when 2FA is enabled.

  • Introduced a password complexity checker in the sign-up form.

helmut.cloud stream designer studio:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where pressing the 'delete' key after selecting text in an input field would delete the selected node.

New Features and enhancements:

  • Made multiple improvements to the functionality of the annotation node.

  • Renamed the unconnected fail outputs to "global fail" when the trigger node global fail connector is connected to a node.

  • Automatically display alignment guidelines when a node aligns with the top, right, or left side of another node(s).

  • Added a collapsible optional inputs field in the node's configuration panel.

  • Added the option to rename manual snapshots.

  • Disabled the option to delete a published snapshot.

  • Prevented input fields from shifting between sections in the Custom Node dialog.

  • Added an edit button to the custom node toolbar to the Custom Node dialog.

  • Improved the node search panel and overall search experience.

  • Improved the dismissal behavior of snapshot and connect agent modals to close when clicking outside the dialog

  • Added code editor to the expanded view of the node's input fields.

  • Made Multiple improvements to the shortcut modal.

helmut.cloud wave engine:

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an infinite loop within the wildcard resolver.

  • Fixed issues with the Node Catalogue on Windows.

helmut.cloud wave node catalog:

New Features and enhancements:

  • Decoupled the Wave Engine from the Wave Node Catalog.

  • Implemented contract-based versioning for the wave node specifications.

  • Added Windows support for wave-execution in the development environment.

Last updated