Secrets Store

The Secrets Store enables users to store value. A user can choose if a value needs to be concealed or not.

A secret remains unrevealed during stream execution. To read and use a secret in a stream, the node "Get Secret" should be used.

Create a secret

Go to the Space where your secret will be needed. Navigate to the "Secrets Store" in the menu on the left side. A list of all secrets available in this Space appears.

  • Click on the button "+ Create secret" in the upper right quarter of the UI

  • Assign a unique name to your secret

  • Fill in a value

  • Click on the padlock-icon to close it and conceal the value, if needed

  • Click on "Create" to finish the process and create the secret

The secret is now visible in the list, and when chosen, the value is concealed by asterisks.

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