What is High5?

High5 is the brain of helmut.cloud, or the gearbox in your workflow. High5 helps you to make connections between applications and build the logic to process the data you shared - no matter what. Ideally, your app supports webhooks or REST-API already. But you can also read and parse files or write custom code to work with data that is accessible to you. Stream Designer Studio lets you write your own low-code programs (streams) and makes it possible to adapt to many, many cases.

High5 also gives you the power to control who in your organization can do what in your workflows.

High5 allows you to

  • manage your events and streams by organizing them in spaces,

  • define variables and secrets that can be used safely inside a space,

  • orchestrate events and actions graphically within the Stream Designer Studio,

  • administrate the agents that execute your workflows for you,

  • and monitor your workflows in a dashboard.

Last updated